WFP Launches Emergency Food Assistance for Flood-affected People in Myanmar
07 August 2024
YANGON – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has launched an emergency relief response to assist more than a hundred thousand people affected by ongoing floods in five states and regions in Myanmar.
Driven by intense monsoon rains since late June, severe flooding has impacted over 200,000 people in Myanmar, with many temporarily displaced. Satellite data from WFP Advanced Disaster Analysis & Mapping estimates that around 855,000 people are living in areas exposed to flooding as of 6 August.
“This flood comes at a time when food insecurity in Myanmar is at an emergency level,” said WFP Myanmar‘s Representative Paolo Mattei. “With more than 13 million people across the country grappling with food insecurity, the floods only exacerbate their vulnerability.”
WFP teams are now on the ground delivering lifesaving assistance to at least 120,000 flood-affected people in Bago, Kachin, Kayin, Magway and Sagaing. WFP support includes cash, rice, special nutritious foods and fortified biscuits.
WFP efforts are designed to complement the initial support provided by local charity organizations addressing the most basic needs. As flooding continues in different parts of the country, WFP continues to monitor the situation and prepares to further expand its flood response as needed.
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