Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General - on Myanmar
18 March 2024
Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesperson for the Secretary-General
The Secretary-General remains deeply concerned by the deteriorating situation and escalation of conflict in Myanmar. He condemns all forms of violence and reiterates his call for the protection of civilians including aid workers in accordance with international humanitarian law, for the cessation of hostilities, and humanitarian access.
The expansion of conflict in Rakhine State is driving displacement and exacerbating pre-existing vulnerabilities and discrimination. The Secretary-General calls on all parties to prevent further incitement of communal tensions. He is alarmed by reports of ongoing airstrikes by the military, including today in Minbya township that reportedly killed and injured many civilians. He is concerned by reports of forcible detention and recruitment of youths, including Rohingya, and the potential impact of forced conscription on human rights and on the social fabric of communities in Myanmar.
The Secretary-General calls for sustained international and regional attention to the crisis in Myanmar, including through strengthening regional refugee protection efforts and responsibility sharing with countries hosting those fleeing persecution and violence. Addressing the root causes of systemic discrimination in Myanmar and seeking accountability for serious violations of international law will be central to any lasting solution to the crisis.
The United Nations is committed to staying and delivering in Myanmar and to working with all stakeholders, including ASEAN and other regional actors, to attain sustainable peace.