Fresh WFP emergency assistance arrives at conflict-affected Paletwa Town, Chin State
21 July 2020
Paletwa, MYANMAR – This week the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has commenced distribution of a newly-arrived tranche of 165 tons of emergency food and nutrition assistance for communities affected by conflict in Paletwa Town in remote southern Chin State, which has been largely cut off from regular trade and supply routes for many months.
“Thanks to the excellent support and coordination from Chin State and authorities at all levels, we have successfully reached Paletwa once again in spite of security risks and poor road conditions,” said Stephen Anderson, WFP’s Country Director in Myanmar. “It is imperative for humanitarian assistance like this be sustained while the communities in Paletwa continue to cope with the disruption of markets and loss of livelihoods.”
Following an earlier WFP delivery to Paletwa in May, the newly-arrived food assistance, consisting of rice, pulses, oil, salt and fortified blended food, will be distributed to over 4,000 people and will cover their daily food and nutrition needs for approximately two months. Children, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers will also benefit from nutrition-rich food supplements.
In June, WFP was also able to preposition four months of food supplies for internally-displaced people in nearby Samee Town, Chin State.
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The United Nations World Food Programme - saving lives in emergencies and changing lives for millions through sustainable development. WFP works in more than 80 countries around the world, feeding people caught in conflict and disasters, and laying the foundations for a better future.
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