UN in Myanmar Alarmed at Sharp Deterioration of Human Rights Environment
17 June 2021
(Yangon) – The UN in Myanmar is alarmed at recent acts of violence that illustrate a sharp deterioration of the human rights environment across Myanmar.
One such case is the discovery of two mass graves in Myawaddy Township (Kayin State), containing the human remains of twenty-five people who had reportedly been detained on 31 May by the Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO). Another case is the reported burning by security forces of more than 150 homes in Kin Ma Village in Pauk Township (Magway Region) on 15 June, leaving two dead and approximately 1,000 people homeless.
The United Nations in Myanmar reiterates its call on all actors in the current crisis to ensure that international human rights norms and standards are respected. This includes upholding the obligation to minimize collateral harm to civilians and to civilian infrastructure, and prohibiting the application of collective punishments against communities, families or individuals.
The United Nations in Myanmar calls for those responsible for human rights violations to be held accountable, including the perpetrators and their chain of command.